Cosmic Egg

She is the flowering white rose,
Creation of the mightiest accord.
Her soil bathes in celestial movement.
Her resilience is masterful and her grace is profound.
Found in darkness, she is a blue star, radiance that gives way to Transmutation/Prosperity.
Her ecstatic sexuality and spirituality is sophisticated and wise with shimmering purification.
She nurtures her children and partner with knowledge of the 5th dimension,
Helping them to ascend into creative destiny, the most liberated incarnation.
Her willpower has witnessed corruption that has cut her wings down, burned her soul to ash.
She finds a path towards excellence with psychic awareness
Captured in her time and space machine, a light being activation.
Judgment and shame leaves her in self-doubt;
She loses her leadership to low self esteem and suffers the karma of self destruction.
In her cosmic intelligence, she presents wholeness/dharma to her community,
Giving philosophy, poetry and artistry to raise consciousness, raise kundalini
For human dignity.
Her old soul is medicine that teaches virtues for rite of passage into human victory.
The mantras and kriyas she uses is a warrior practice, the herbs she gathers is a remedy to good health, the dharma she studies is justice.
In the chaos, crisis that always is, she is the movement of union, wisdom of starlight to give discernment and perspective to the growing fetus.
Human development is her humility and ego fierce enough to rage at the dying of the Light with integrity unshakable and impenetrable with a might sword of auric magnetism,
A wind horse mind, body of nerve and blood of gold lineage.
Marvel at her starseed beauty, she resurrects, death, birth and rebirth, deathless is her fearlessness as she rides the bucking horse still.
She is the alluring heart that summons the moon into a shower of milk and honey,
Calming the Earth with inventive, innovative and revolutionary/visionary stature.